Thats the Wheel of HUL
Yeah! after a long time something caught me up & i fell into writing this post on my blog. Well... i got nostalgic about the old ads when i found a nice article on 'Brand Equity - An Economic Times Edition'
The article was about the Hindustan Uniliver Limited (HUL)'s "Wheel", its success story, how it became world's largest selling detergent in volume terms. So lets watch out the change in advertising of the brand over one-two decades :)
Check out one of the first Wheel commercial -Wheel!!! Wheel! Wheel! i'm sure you'll enjoy it :D
Now don't miss this one: One of the latest ads of Wheel- A beautiful & ingenious work done by admakers :)
Well.. I think both ads were effective at the time when they broadcasted. You'd remember the dialogues of first ad for years. But.. I'm not sure how much tough work our admakers have to do for competing in this era of advertising when no ad is less than the other.. & how they'll make the audience to recite their ads for years! Stumble It!
The article was about the Hindustan Uniliver Limited (HUL)'s "Wheel", its success story, how it became world's largest selling detergent in volume terms. So lets watch out the change in advertising of the brand over one-two decades :)
Check out one of the first Wheel commercial -Wheel!!! Wheel! Wheel! i'm sure you'll enjoy it :D
Now don't miss this one: One of the latest ads of Wheel- A beautiful & ingenious work done by admakers :)
Well.. I think both ads were effective at the time when they broadcasted. You'd remember the dialogues of first ad for years. But.. I'm not sure how much tough work our admakers have to do for competing in this era of advertising when no ad is less than the other.. & how they'll make the audience to recite their ads for years! Stumble It!